Study in N.Cyprus

Excellent educational opportunities in Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus boasts many famous universities that annually accept a large number of students from all over the world. All universities in Northern Cyprus have strong worldwide rankings. As a result, this country is renowned as an ideal country for students and an education destination.

The inexpensive cost of education and living in Northern Cyprus is one of the key advantages of studying there. Many Iranian students come to Northern Cyprus every year in the two semesters of September and January to begin or continue their academic education due to a lack of visa restrictions for Iranians.

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دانشگاه Eastern Mediterranean University قبرس شمالی

Universities in Northern Cyprus

The Eastern Mediterranean University in Famagusta is one of Northern Cyprus’ most reputable universities.

EMU University has a high scientific reputation, and the Iranian Ministry of Science has approved the university’s diplomas.

Cyprus International University (CIU) is another prominent and high-level university. In terms of tuition, this university is substantially less expensive than the Eastern Mediterranean University, and it offers a 50% scholarship to doctorate students, much like the other grades.

Fields of study, degrees, and requirements for admission

In Northern Cyprus’ universities, all levels in all popular subjects of study are taught in English. However, one of the advantages is that no IELTS or TOEFL certification is required.

An exam administered by the university determines English language proficiency. If the students pass the exam, they will be able to enroll in their desired faculty and begin their education immediately. Otherwise, they will be able to start studying after passing some language courses and attaining the appropriate level.

فارغ التحصیلان دانشگاه قبرس شمالی

Other advantages of studying in Northern Cyprus include:

Each level’s tuition varies depending on the field and university. You can call our advisor for convenience and up-to-date information on current conditions. Working as an assistant professor is one way for postgraduate and doctoral students to supplement their income.

It is worth noting that the cost of doctoral degree education in Northern Cyprus is far lower than the cost of the same degree in Iran.

محاسبه شهریه دانشگاه قبرس با ماشین حساب

The Cyprus Immigration Service’s laws provide that students’ first-degree relatives are free to stay with their children for as long as they like.

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بNorthern Cyprus is home to eight international universities and over 40,000 international students from all over the world.

Are you looking for a suitable university to attend for your education?
Eastern Mediterranean University and Cyprus International University are two of Northern Cyprus’ most major and well-known universities, and many students flock to the island to study at these universities.

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